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First Phosphate / Material

Christian Beltrami
4 min

1) Content Strategy

Business strategist, Alex Hormozi, on his content strategy:


Your content strategy signals to the algorithm that you are an authority in your domain. Carrie Rose:

Give signals to the algorithms

You are constantly in "conversation" with someone's elses algorithms:


2) Our communication method

The most elegant solution to get our client's messages across, in our opinion, is the one proposed by Randy Olson. He is a scientist by training (PhD from Harvard) and a filmmaker. The American Medical Writers Association awarded him a prize in Biomedical Communication in 2020.

His method is called ABT, for AND, BUT, and THEREFORE.

Using the ABT (And, But, Therefore) structure in your social media content can significantly enhance its impact and engagement for several compelling reasons:

  1. Clarity and Engagement: The ABT framework helps in organizing your content clearly and concisely. By setting the context ("And"), presenting a challenge or conflict ("But"), and offering a resolution or conclusion ("Therefore"), you create a mini-narrative that captures attention. This narrative structure is naturally engaging because it mirrors storytelling techniques that humans have responded to for centuries.
  2. Improved Communication: The structure ensures that your message is not only heard but also understood and remembered. It moves your content beyond simple statements or facts, weaving them into a story that resonates on a deeper level with your audience. This makes your message more relatable and memorable.
  3. Versatility Across Platforms: Whether you're crafting a tweet, a Facebook post, an Instagram caption, or a LinkedIn article, the ABT structure is adaptable and effective across different types of content and platforms. It can be used to make even the most complex topics accessible and interesting to a broad audience.
  4. Enhances Persuasiveness: By presenting a conflict or problem and then offering a resolution, you tap into the audience's natural desire for resolution. This not only keeps them engaged but also makes your content more persuasive, as you're essentially guiding them through a thought process that leads to a satisfying conclusion.
  5. Boosts Creativity: The ABT structure can serve as a creative guideline that challenges you to think deeply about your content's purpose and narrative flow. This can lead to more innovative and thoughtful content creation, setting your social media presence apart from others who may rely on more straightforward, less engaging formats.
  6. Increases Shareability: Content that tells a story or takes the audience on a journey is more likely to be shared. By using the ABT structure, you're not just sharing information; you're sharing stories that people feel compelled to pass along, increasing your content's reach and impact.

With First Phosphate, here are a few exemple:

Phosphate is plentiful in the world.

You need move a ton of phosphate, worth somewhere between $300 to $500 US a ton.

Logistics really comes into play because you need to have these deposits close to infrastructure.

Maybe only 20% of reserves in the world might have a chance ever to be exploited without having to get into billions of dollars of infrastructure to get to them.

That's why where we're situated in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, with our deposits at 140 kilometres from the port, another at 70, and another at 40.

Investors focus on mines and deposits.

We don't think that a mine has any value unless it's part of a downstream supply chain.

We've not only gone out to build a mine, but we've gone out to build the partnerships downstream that can use that mining stock and can work it into a supply chain system.

Our strategy is to BUILD VALUE by taking part in the THREE SEPARATE PILLARS of the supply chain.

90% of the world's phosphate is used in agriculture.

It's plentiful but not of the highest quality.

You need the other 10% of phosphate, industrial grade phosphate, which is called INDUSTRIAL PURIFIED PHOSPHORIC ACID.

And that's already accounted for. And that market's already growing.

Now we enter the battery space. (NEW DEMAND)

Batteries are going to require that the 10% of the phosphate market becomes 20% to 30%

No country has more than 10, 15, maximum 20 years of phosphate left.

The best time to build a phosphate mine was 10 years ago…

Timing is critical. The urgency is real.

3) Style of video

For the videos, we researched who is doing the best work right now.

Chris Walker has been named the best Marketing "Thought Leader" of 2023. He uses videos like this. And that's what I would propose for us.
